thank you mother nature for the white stuff for me to snowboard on and thank you to the church for the use of the auditorium to speak in and providing the audience to speak to. A very nice crowd, but pussies when it came to the baptisms.
I owe you all two Thursdays of reviews one for last Thursday and one for today.
So with little more fanfare here are reviews #3 and #4 for the 3rd and 4th weeks of March.
I listen to all of the tracks on all of the pages at least twice but to save time I only mention those that hit me right and gave me something to say. I know that no one wants to hear me say nothing.
Wednesday 13
United States
Rock / Punk / Gothic
I ended up with them on my list as the shinys began to hit me up and I looked at their pages I began to see more and more of these guys. I may have sent the request or not I do not remember to tell the truth.
Only two tracks and the pictures show a large MM influence. I like the cowboy hat with the sleeve tattoos. Nice Touch!
Not another Teenage Anthem
Well it did not strike an anthem chord with me. But then again I am fucking older than dirt! And it was not another anthem song. Good strumming and poppy drums. I hear some Marilyn Manson influence. I liked the stuff but I do not know if I could find a place on my non-descript MP3 player (no freebies here bitches).
Truly a in your face angst anger at the world type of tune I liked it on the first listen and I really liked it on the third time through I could see this on my workout list around the 5th mile as a slower pace to rest.
Artist has not enabled downloads for this song (why not put a lower bit rate up for this at least?)
But after hearing skeletons a second time I would place this group's CD on my list of purchases and put the tracks in my carputer play list when I get it.
Artist has not enabled downloads for this song (why not put a lower bit rate up for this at least?)
No press pack so here is the link
Wendy O Williams
NEW YORK, New York United States
All though this artist has passed on and her death anniversary is around the corner and her birthday is also near I thought I would honor both dates with a review. I am also polishing a neighborhood chapter.
Going Wild
Starts out like a Rock ballad and then picks up and you hear the growling voice of Wendy O'. This brings back many memories of my youth and the anger when I had less control.
Artist has not enabled downloads for this song (why not put a lower bit rate up for this at least?)
Speed metal that has some tones of when the Plasmatics were ending their group life. I like the message and I liked the riffs and the chorus can get stuck in your head real easy
Artist has not enabled downloads for this song (why not put a lower bit rate up for this at least?)
Pig Is A Pig
I do not know why I see the would pig and I think of three people Mr. Jones, Stewart Katz and the cop that gave me a tour of down town when I was really too freakin drunk to even spell my name. But that is another story that should be left untold (I may get nominated for president one day).
This song is dedicated to the cowardly journalists and oppressors that make our lives more difficult than need be. I hope that a myspace blogger that reviews artist pages does not count as a cowardly journalist.
Artist has not enabled downloads for this song (why not put a lower bit rate up for this at least?)
I Am Your Priestess
A very nice piece that show cases her abilities and the bands range nicely. I can remember banging my head to this and I can definitely hear AND feel Motorhead's influence thought this entire tune. Definitely on my short list but I may have to look at the used section of a certain record store (no freebies here bitches)
Yes Wendy you were my Priestess and now you are a saint and we shall declare May 28th as Saint Orlean Feast Day, only pork shall be consumed in honor of Wendy. The incense to be burned on this day shall be gun powder and gasoline.
Artist has not enabled downloads for this song
No press pack so here is the link
White Minorities
Hardcore / Ghettotech / Metal
(What is Ghettotech? Go and listen bitch face!)
A home town band that I never got to see due to forced witness relocation
8Th Floor
Fuck yeah I like this shit! There is definitely some real anger here. But the track ended prematurely twice (this could be a streaming problem). I like the mixing of the drums and I think this goes well with the lyrics and the style of the entire band. I would like to see these guys when I get back into town when it is safe for me to be there and in public.
Nice arrangements kind of I feel some Dope and maybe some Korn here also. I think they have listed Korn as an influence and a grievance with Papa Roach lol.
Artist enabled downloads and I will be adding them to my "non-descript MP3 player".
But the track ended prematurely twice (this could be a streaming problem).
Mother, I think garage Metal is all grown up. And I like the way he has turned out. I like the artwork and the collection of flyers in their albums. Nice touch
Artist enabled downloads and I will be adding them to my "non-descript MP3 player".
All in all on my Player but I will have to listen allot more before I try to add to my work out play list.
No press pack so here is the link
Burnaby, British Columbia Canada
Old school punk rock from Canada. You know they have preached about globalization but I never really understood until I received more education and felt the pinch in my position. I liked their rendition of "War" and I loved talking to Joey and Randy when they came to town.
Liar For Hire
Sharp catchy and has the right arrangement to get my rage to bubble a bit but not so bad that I want to beat my cube mate senseless. Although if he complains anymore I there may be an accident. ;)
The Enemy
I really remember this track and loved thrashing (Before moshing) to this shit. Real, raw, hot, call to action type of tune. I really feel the need to thrash about and break some shit! Like a big fucking fat mean old man locked in suburbia.
Over all now on the short list of purchases. I feel my family may think I am getting into a midlife crisis listening to too much old school but fuck it I love this shit!
There appears to be an ice hockey track on this page.
If you claim to like old school punk then this should be familiar with these guys if you are not then get to know them before you are a poser.
Artist enabled downloads
No press pack so here is the link
New york, New York United States
This was suppose to be a review about the artists performance recorded and displayed on the page but in an effort to make the page cool and fresh they broke the page. The page does not browser right and there is too much shit embedded that you can not listen to any of the tracks. And you can not listen to anything because there are at least two embedded streams playing at the same time. I maybe old but I do not think that even my son would like the mix I was subjected to.
Do not say that I am too old to get the internet because I fucking wrote the internet Bi-ahtch! I schooled fucking homo al gore on the god damn internet on the fuck information superhighway back in the day of BBS'es when down loading porn took 30 minutes so do not come back to me Diddy and say I do not know shit!
Sorry no review but I can give second chances as this is my world!
No press pack so here is the link
Ban Dergango
Stephenville, Newfoundland Canada
Gothic / Electro / Grime
I liked the pictures I found when I was requested to add as a friend. They came along with a wave of shinys (Fetish Models). I am also remembering when I was young and hanging in dance clubs when there was not a keg in the park. I remember the whole rave thing starting as I started needing to find safety for my family.
Boogie Man
Oingo boingo sort-of I hear it but I also hear some mature singing tones and by mature I mean not forced screaming but controlled tones and pitches. Funny rhythms.
Artist enabled downloads How very nice!
Habbit Rabbit
Funny story of midlife crisis onto of techno muddied out a bit but still you can feel Ecstasy creeping into the soles of your feet.
Artist enabled downloads How very nice!
Livin' In The Dump
Nice techno I can see this track on my "non-descript MP3 player". But not in my workout play list (sorry not fast enough for me) but I will be adding then to the long list of purchases. And the track to my techno play list that is ever increasing.
Artist enabled downloads How very nice!
If you have the opportunity to catch these guys go and take plenty of water as I hear Ecstasy dehydrates you.
No press pack so here is the link
M!SS Crazy
San Jose, California United States
Rock / Glam / Metal
Makeup like the crow and a girl bass player!!!!!
I have a thing for girl bass players.
Girl bass players, fast cars, grocery stores, butter and video slots are what put me in the witness relocation program.
Can't Sleep
Motley Crew, Guns and roses, in my younger years I would have these guys in my collection and received much shit for it but fuck 'em!
Very much the late 80's rock that was so popular in LA. I can find this on my "non-descript MP3 player" and on a rock play list with Axle and Vince.
Artist has not enabled downloads for this song (why not put a lower bit rate up for this at least?)
Livin' Without you
Nice hair ballad. I could really get to liking these guys (and Girl). Nice would definitely like to see this on my "non-descript MP3 player".
Artist has not enabled downloads for this song (why not put a lower bit rate up for this at least?)
Make you Mine
Chugging and rocking along with the proper screams in time. The speed is good for a slower pace in the run but fast enough to not loose focus
Artist has not enabled downloads for this song (why not put a lower bit rate up for this at least?)
Looks that Kill
A Motley Cover that I like just as good as the original. You know what I mean? People try to cover a song that is a trademark and they just fuck it up. Not these guys (And Girl) they rocked the shit out of that tune!
Artist has not enabled downloads for this song (why not put a lower bit rate up for this at least?)
They look to be branding themselves like the kiss army and that may be a good idea, but too many pages leads to dilution and difficulty in locating home base. I do not know what a street team is but they are looking for some.
I do not go into public to hear music anymore. If it was not a risk to my life or security for my family I would check them out. Putting them on my short list.
No press pack so here is the link
San Diego, California United States
Indie / Alternative
I have no idea where the hell she came from in my list of friends but I do like the soft melodies and the picture for her profile is sexy in a non-porno way.
She writes her own shit and it sounds very professional. The internet is fucking awesome in that anybody with drive and a computer can create what only special people could do in the past.
Yours Truly
Sounds very similar to another pop tune on the radio I can not put my finger on it but I do like it. I may not put this on my "non-descript MP3 player" but I would not be looking for other stuff when this rotated around.
Artist has not enabled downloads for this song (why not put a lower bit rate up for this at least?)
A faster more rockier (Is that a word?) tune. Still keeps the vocals in pitch but I hear some microphone compression on the high side and I do not think it was meant to be there. In fact the entire mix appears to suffer from bit rate envy.
Artist has not enabled downloads for this song (why not put a lower bit rate up for this at least?)
Ghosts Remix
What was I saying about computers?? No it is not the computer or the artist I think my biggest problem is the bit rate at which the encoding was done. I do like the beat and the lyrics and the rhythms but there are rages that just come out muddied or flatten. I can not really put my finger on the problem.
Artist has not enabled downloads for this song (why not put a lower bit rate up for this at least?)
No press pack so here is the link
Again if you are a musician and want your tracks reviewed add me and message me for review and I will get to you as soon as possible. Remember two old and two new and on Thursdays.
If you want a whole CD reviewed get with me and we can work something out. I think my publisher may let me use his address.
![]() | Currently reading Like A Monkey With A Handgun By Rev. J. Sleestaxx Release date: By 3 December, 2007 | ![]() | Also reading With A Mouthful Of Razorblades By Rev. J. Sleestaxx Release date: By 6 February, 2007 |
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