Make Some Fucking Coffee, You Pussies

Coffee, Office politics, and Strategy

I work on a floor with about 75-100 rats in boxes. 95% of these pussies are IT kinda of fuckers. Some have ponytails(?!?!?!?!?!) how fucking weird and retro is that? Can you imagine you had the same hairstyle sooooo loooong that you thought it came back into style? Then there area couple of freaks that have fish hooks in their lips. Yeah you know the freaks, they look like they fell head first into a tackle box.

Most of these weirdos think they are fringe. But in my day I would have called them all posers.

They walk around like they are the shit. Well fuckers you still need to learn how to make fucking coffee. These bastards think that because they have a fucking pony tail that they do not have to make coffee. I have watched them pull a ¼ cup from two pots so that they did not empty the pot. Oh i have long hair, i have a pony tail, oh i am looking like a hippy from the fucking 60s but i an only 26. I do not have to make coffee. Oh i have a fish hook in my lip, i do not have to make coffee. Oh i am so misunderstood that i have to uglify myself to justify my inability to socialize like a normal fucking human. Oh if you can't like me fro me then you are close minded. But the simple fact is if ice cream smelled like cat shit i would not eat it. If beer tasted like horse piss i would not drink it. If you look like a fucking loser i do not have to talk to you. The same individual choice to look like a loser is the same individual choice to think that you are a faggot and you have nothing offer except a reason to slow down in the parking garage if i feel like like it.

So now here is the lesson bitches. The strategy is to make the coffee so terrible but tolerable enough for you that you can drink the coffee but they can not. They will have to make their own coffee or drink something that is too strong for their little kiddie tummies.

ah fuck it! they would not get it as the whole social thing is lost to a bunch of fucking dweebs whose skin only sees the light that comes from their computer monitors and most probably can not have a verbal conversation without a LOL reference.

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